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Experience the Velveteen Touch: Artisan Pottery, Crafted for Your Soulful Moments!



  1. Subscription Enrollment:
    • Customers sign up for the Mug Club subscription, committing to receive a four mugs over the 2024  year.
      • Mugs will be shipped out USPS in the following months:
        • April
        • July
        • October
        • December
  2. Seasonal Themes:
    • Each mug shipment corresponds to a particular season or theme. For instance, a spring-themed mug might feature vibrant colors or floral designs, while a winter mug could have cozy, wintery motifs.
    • Each seasonal mug will boast 1-3 stunning glaze combinations, showcasing the artistry in diverse colors and textures.
    • *Please note, mug club mugs will not include specific stamps of Bible verses, sayings, or image transfers.*
  3. Timely Deliveries:
    • Expect your mug deliveries timed with the turn of each season, ensuring you receive your exclusive, themed mugs precisely when they’re meant to shine
  4. Exclusive and Unique Designs:
    • Each mug in the subscription series is unique and exclusively crafted for Mug Club members. These designs could include limited edition glazes, handcrafted handles, or specific decorative elements that fit the theme.
  5. No Cancellation Policy:
    • To ensure consistent delivery and maintain the seasonal flow of the club, cancellations after enrollment are not accepted. This policy ensures that members receive all four seasonally appropriate mugs without disruption.
  6. Quality Assurance:
    • At the Velveteen Pottery studio, I ensure each mug meets my high standards of craftsmanship and quality before shipping, providing a delightful unboxing experience for members.
  7. This type of Mug Club allows pottery enthusiasts to collect a set of uniquely designed mugs that align with the changing seasons/themes, offering a curated and exclusive experience tailored to their love for pottery and appreciation of seasonal aesthetics.


Experience the Mug Club Together – Cost-Sharing Guidelines

  • Inviting Friends to Share: Love the idea of experiencing the Mug Club with friends? Gather a small group to join in! By sharing the cost among a few trusted pals, you can all enjoy the seasonally inspired mugs without breaking the bank.
  • One Payment, One Address: To simplify membership, we require a single payment per membership. When sharing, gather your shared members and designate a single primary shipping address. This ensures all our beautiful mugs reach your cozy gatherings promptly.

You can avoid shipping cost with the “free local pick up” option.  About a month from having a seasons mugs ready,  I will send an email sharing date and time your mug can be picked up.  If you can’t pick up at that time, I can put them out on my porch any other weekday for you to pick up at your convenience.

*There won’t be a customization option for mug club mugs.*

*As individual tastes vary, I am unable to accommodate returns solely due to personal preference. If, however an item arrives damaged or defective, I am committed to resolving this issue promptly.*

Please refer to the Refunds and Returns Policy Page for more information

Refunds and Return Policy
Standard Cost for Single Mugs
$50 - $60

Typical mugs range from $50 – 75, depending on the glaze combination, size, stamps and/or transfer images

Annual Mug Club Membership
$180 - Local Pick Up ($45 per mug)

$225 - Flat Rate Shipping
($15 shipping fee per shipment)
-3 flat rate shipping fees included in price.
*Please select shipping during check out for the shipment fee of mug #4*

Velveteen Pottery Annual Mug Club pricing includes standard mugs at a discounted rate from my normal pricing.

*Please note, these mugs will not include specific stamps of Bible verses, sayings or image transfers.*

Strawberry Mug_Velveteen Pottery
Tulip Mug_Velveteen Pottery
Velveteen Signature Glaze Mug
Maple Mug_Velveteen Pottery
1875 Red Clay Mug_Velveteen Pottery
Ocean Mug_Velveteen Pottery
Magnolia Mug_Velveteen Pottery
Kaboom Mug_Velveteen Pottery
Serenity Mug_Velveteen Pottery
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