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Experience the Velveteen Touch: Artisan Pottery, Crafted for Your Soulful Moments!


My journey began during my high school years, when a remarkable ceramics teacher recognized my passion and nurtured it with exceptional skill, as all great educators do. Following high school, I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, specializing in Gerontology. This led me to venture into a Master’s program in Clinical Exercise Physiology, which became my chosen professional path.

After welcoming my four children into the world, I reignited the creative flame that had always burned within me. It was in 2019 that The Velveteen Artisan came to life, as I embraced the medium of clay once again. Little did I know that God, in His wisdom, had a grand plan in store. Eight months later, I unexpectedly became a widow, and during that challenging time, He provided me with the opportunity to work from home and raise my children.

But God had another beautiful plan that I had fervently prayed for. I crossed paths with Jeremy, a man who loves not only me but also my children and my business. He became the best friend that God knew I needed, and in 2022, we embarked on the journey of marriage, eagerly anticipating a life intertwined together.

Velveteen Pottery Throwing Vase
Velveteen Pottery Setting
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