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Experience the Velveteen Touch: Artisan Pottery, Crafted for Your Soulful Moments!

After my first responder husband, FireFighter and Officer Adam Tarbert, took his life because of PTSD,  his friends formed a group named Adam’s Group. Adam’s group is a monthly casual gathering of first responders to talk about what they are going through, what they have seen, and how it affects them. 

The Comfort Cup donation initiative will help this group by providing comfort cups for each first responder on their first meeting with Adam’s Group at no cost to them. 

Your donation will also make it possible to offer comfort cups to first responders and families who have been referred to me but may not be local.

Comfort Cups_Velveteen Pottery

Comfort Cup Donation Program

Donations are gladly accepted and greatly appreciated if you are interested in providing assistance. The funds received will be utilized to cover the comfort cup(s) expenses and associated costs. Contributing to our Comfort Cup initiative is a way to give families comfort and support from afar during a challenging period.

If you are a first responder or know of one and would like more information about Adam’s Group, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

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